Neogen® Culture Media
A Complete Culture Media Offering
As your trusted media partner with over 40 years of industry experience, we are committed to investing in the development of our microbiology product offering. Our Neogen® Culture Media (NCM) product range incorporates high quality culture media and associated microbiology testing solutions. Across our versatile NCM portfolio we have combined expertise, skills, and knowledge to offer over 300 products in a range of formats, allowing us to cater to your laboratory's needs.

Extensive Product Range
Our range of dehydrated culture media formulations include chromogenic agars and proprietary formulations that enable our sensitive One Broth One Plate alternative workflows. Along with DCM, we offer media supplements, IMS beads, and quality microbial culture media in ready-to-use formats.

Our UK and US facilities operate under ISO 9001:2015 and our UK site is certified to ISO 13485:2016. Our QC labs test in accordance with ISO 11133 to provide quality that exceeds specified criteria. The UK QC laboratory is accredited in accordance with ISO 17025:2017 (UKAS) so NCM supports needs globally.

Quality is of the utmost importance to us. We source raw materials from approved suppliers and invest in reliable equipment to produce NCM products to applicable standards. Our QC team monitors product performance during the manufacturing process, helping customers achieve accurate, reproducible results.

Global Testing Methods
We support laboratories that follow different microbiological reference methods and offer culture media with a variety of formulations and specifications. We comply with international testing standards like ISO, BAM, and MLG, as well as provide a range of Harmonized Pharmacopoeia media for pharmaceutical needs.

Secure Supply Chain
Our media is manufactured and quality controlled at dual sites in the US and UK to enable global product consistency. With experienced R&D, Technical Support, and Customer Service teams at multiple locations, we can securely provide the media required to support testing in multiple locations across the globe.